Grona heterocarpos

(L.) H.Ohashi & K.Ohashi (2018)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Rosids Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Genus: Grona

tick clover, tick trefoil


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Suberect subshrubs usually 5–15 dm tall.

Stems: Stems usually many-branched, appressed pubescent in upper part.


Leaves: Leaves compound [(1–)3-foliolate]. Alternate. Leaflets usually elliptic, terminal one 2.5–6(–8) cm long, (1–)1.5–2.5(–3) cm wide. Apex obtuse. Upper surfaces subglabrous; lower surfaces sericeous with appressed hairs; leaflets subcoriaceous. Leaflet margins entire. Petioles (1–)1.5–3.5 cm long. Stipules dry and membranous, distinct. Leaflets stipellate.

Flowers: Flowers numerous in racemose inflorescences 5–10 cm long, rachis densely pubescent with appressed, straight, yellowish hairs. Flowers papilionaceous; pedicels (2–)3–5(–8) mm long, borne at base of calyx. Calyx campanulate. Corolla pink to purplish red, exceeding the calyx, wings oblong, keel petals. Stamens 10. Ovary superior.

Fruit: Pods narrowly oblong; 4–8–jointed; 1–2.8 cm long; densely hooked pubescent; articles quadrate; 2.5–3 mm long; 2–3 mm wide. Seeds compressed.

Ploidy: 2n = 20; 22


Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status

Potentially Naturalizing

Island Status

O'ahu Potentially Naturalizing

Dispersal Agents



  • Description digitized by Dylan Charter
  • Description digitized from the Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawaii
  • First recorded by Rock (1920a'), but since then no recent collections have been made and perhaps this species no longer persists in Hawai'i.
  • The Hawaiian collections are referred to var. strigosum, characterized by the rachis of the inflorescence densely pubescent with appressed, straight, nonhooked hairs. In contrast, var. heterocarpon is characterized by the inflorescence rachis densely pubescent with spreading hooked hairs.


Name Published In: J. Jap. Bot. 93: 112 (2018)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date